By Jon Yeazel

How To Be: The Rich Unc'

Crafting Your Path to Urban Royalty

Embrace the Big 'Unc' philosophy—a blend of street smarts and suave sophistication. It's more than a name; it's your journey to becoming an urban legend. This playbook is your guide to mastering the art of influence and presence, crafted for those who want to shine in the city's hustle and glow with genuine character.


Here's how to evolve into the ultimate Big 'Unc':


  1. Get Money Smart: Handle your cash with finesse. Embrace budgeting, saving, and diversifying your investments like a boss.
  2. Create Wealth Your Way: Be the architect of your affluence. From entrepreneurship to smart investments, make your money move.

  3. Invest in Your Mojo: Upgrade yourself. Stay fit, sharp, and always learning. You're your most valuable asset.

  4. Style with Purpose: Make every outfit count. Dress in a way that turns heads and opens doors, while staying true to you.

  5. Live Free, Live Bold: Make choices that let you live life on your terms. Be the master of your fate, the captain of your soul.

  6. Build Brotherhoods: Cultivate connections that go beyond the surface. Inspire, mentor, and grow with your community.

  7. Be the Blessing: Your generosity can change lives. Share your wisdom, invest in others, and lift as you climb.

  8. Feed Your Flame: Nourish your passions. Let your hobbies and interests be the fuel for your inner fire.

  9. Harmonize the Hustle: Balance ambition with joy. Crush your goals, then kick back and revel in the life you've built.

  10. Stay True, Stay Thankful: Remember where you came from and the lessons you've learned. Humility and gratitude are your crowns.


Big 'Unc' is more than a title; it's the embodiment of success with substance, swagger with soul. Adopt these tenets and redefine what it means to be a man of stature in your world.